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Hand & Foot | Reference photos

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Practice with Reference Images | Hand and Foot anatomy

is often underestimated at the expense of figure and gesture practicing. And yet these are precisely these things that distinguish between the master and the beginner. Do not neglect details - sole, heel, toe and palm and finders - improve your skills by using these reference pictures. Study anatomy of veins of the hands and skin folds. You can use these reference for both, quick sketches or finished artworks. It doesn't matter if you are  line or value based artist our reference photos shows the objects most natural way. These reference photos are captured in Chiaroscuro (strong contrasts between light and dark) or even Tenebrism (dramatic illumination or pronounced chiaroscuro) mode - easy to learn and copy the reference to get dramatic results. Ideal for academic training to see the form of the object.

HAND | FOOT | GESTURES | 0.08€/pic.
All photos are protected by copyright. High resolution (4000 pixels longer side) images you get will have small informative watermark. Once you buy any photos as individual you can use them
for personal use only - you can make a final commercial art product, drawing, painting or sculpture by using them as reference images.
The same apply for free photos. For any other and commercial use (also for art schools) we will discuss individual conditions - just let us know, we are open to your proposals.
anatomy of hand - Chiaroscuro  finder pointing up - artist referefce photo
#40401 | Hands Woman & Man
Collection of 167 reference photos for artists. Hand gestures and hand holding items. Man's and woman's.
hand gesture - Chiaroscuro sacret finder pointing up - artist referefce photo with drapery
#40402 | Chiaroscuro Hands on Drapery
Collection of 190 reference photos for artists. Hand gestures and hand holding items on drapery background. Man's and Woman's.
custom made nude reference for artists
Custom Made
Nude Reference Photos

We can make for you sets of reference photos based on your requirements.

- for artists (blogers, vlogers)
- for art schools
- for business oriented

You will have an exclusive rights...
hand anatomy - hand holding a stick - referefce photo for artists
#40403 | Hand Gestures
Collection of 36 reference photos for artists. Hand holding stick, pen or making gestures.
Learn Basics | "Read" the Picture
Most photos are captured the way to clearly show light and dark side, visible form shadow, terminator in between and small highlight. In same cases also cast shadow. Learn to see all this important details on these reference pictures. Photos are natural with no retouching. Hand and feet belongs to man, woman and younger girls. There are options in backgrounds - dark, drapery or on white board.
Buy single pack or all pack for better price.
foot anatomy - woman's sole | skin folds - Chiaroscuro academic referefce photo for artists
#40404 | Chiaroscuro Woman's & Man's Feet
Collection of 94 reference photos for artists. Man's and Woman's feet in many positions. Side light, reflected light, easy to draw.
feet anatomy - woman's foot with veins- referefce photo for artists
#40405 | Free Hands & Feet
Collection of 10 free reference photos for artists. Free Hands & Feet gestures.
Try free photos before you buy any picture from this site.
> 50% OFF
#40400 | 487 pics | 4 Packs
Buy bundled package 487 high resolution photos for better price.
Only 0.08 €/photo + 2€.
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