Sweet Emotions
Cakes | Games | Fun
"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, A Sixpence in your Shoe" this Old English tradition is well known everywhere, but in Austrian's or Slovakia's wedding you can see also different habits. Toss the bouquet or garter, releasing balloons, breaking plate, Redovy tanec (traditional dance), Cepcenie nevesty (Calash the Bride) and others... Most common tradition is cutting the cake. Even there are small differences. Someone gives first piece to parents, others couples prefer to feed each other first. Cutting the heart to white bed sheet and cross thro is largely an Austrian tradition (in German: Brauch ist das Hochzeitsherz zum Ausschneiden. Dabei muss das Brautpaar nach der Trauung mit Nagelscheren ein Herz aus einem Bettlaken ausschneiden). See the gallery bellow and inspire.
Marek & Klara